2.. Hedging option: There is also an option to hedge trades now. How this works is, is that you can chose after how many losing trades, a hedge option should be activated.For example: Let's say you trade with 0,1 lots and you set in hedge parameter 4, that means that after 4 losing trades with 0,1 lots EA will open an opposite hedge orderwith lot 0.5 (0.1 * 4 + 0.1). It will not open any additional trades, until hedge order and all the losing trades are closed. You have an option to set this parameter on or off.BUTI have found some bugs in a code, for some coder seems so easy to fix the, but every one else its a nightmare1. I noticed that in SELL order ea places some times, tp is above the entry line instead of below entry line. I didnt notice the same issue on Buy orders, but that needs to be checked.2. I looked the code, it should take in consideration spread+comm+swap, but unfortunately it doesn't only places 2 POINTS tp on first order which gets you in loss of 3-5 cents per 0.01 lots. So thats the reason why ea is loosing money steadily. I am not sure when ea makes average TP for lets say 50 orders, since sometimes average tp closes all trades with minus.